What is our Goal?


As Salaam Alaikum!

We are exceedingly grateful to have each family that we have enrolled in the Muhammad University of Islam. In our for our system to work, it requires all stakeholders (parents, students, teachers, administrators, family, and community) work together to reach our desired result. What is that result?

Our stated objective is no easy task. We work daily to enrich the lives of students and families that we may all be a reflection of God. More specifically, when we think of our students future’s, we do not imagine engineers at Apple or technicians for AT&T. Instead, we imagine builders, business owners, employers, leaders, and luminaries. We do not consider our task complete unless and until our children are able to produce the world of the tomorrow - a brighter, more just, and more righteous society.

We do not measure our success in A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, and F’s. Countless studies have indicated that human potential is not accurately measured using these metrics; although, they do help us to communicate to families areas of concern in the more important area character development. Homework, Test, and Projects - collectively 90% of students grades - are indicators of more important character traits: Grit, consistency, focus, and imagination.

Instead of measuring simply by the letter grade distributed, we are most concerned with how each student is developing in concrete and abstract ways. How is their spirit? Are they developing a love for their people? Are they any closer to finding their purpose in life? Have they found a passion for learning? What is their moral character like?

To get there, we have an array of accessories, professionals, and technical/academic measurements to inform us. As we approach a new school year, we hope to work with each family to keep all of our children on track to produce a great future for our Nation. Our guiding light is our master teacher, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan:

“The scriptures teach: “Train up the child in the way it should go, and when it is old it will not depart from it. Trains run on tracks — and never without an engine that all of the cars are hooked to and follow. You are the engine of moral life for your children: Get on the track and fuel your life with The Energy to live the life that you teach. And even if you stumble along the way, your children will be proud of you for attempting the great moral climb. You can do it, if you will.”

Click next to find out what we must do to prepare for the school year


Digital Day Camp


Fall Parent Checklist