“No one can master the circumstances of their lives until they have the mind and the spirit of a master.”

Middle School Courses (Brothers)

8:20 - 12:30

Zoom (For all classes except science)

  • Islamic Studies | 8:20 - 9:00

    Islamic Studies Courses are designed as introductory view into a more methodical approach for studying Islam. In 4 quarters, students learn the True History of the Original Man, The Pillars of our Faith, the Islamic way of Life, and NOI History.

    Zoom Link

  • History | 9:00 - 9:40

    Of all our studies, History is most guaranteed to reward our research. The Middle School History class gives a general survey of US History from the perspective of its Black citizens.

    Zoom Link

  • English | 10:00 - 10:40

    Success in any field hinges upon the quality use of language. Our Middle School Language course prepares students to write efficiently and meticulously, with a focus on perfect expression of thoughts.

    Zoom Link

  • Integrated Science | 10:40 - 11:20

    Our Integrated Science Course helps students to understand their relationship to the the physical world. This course integrates a variety of sciences such as physical, earth, and life sciences.

    Science Class Zoom

  • Algebra | 11:20 - 12:00

    Algebraic thinking is the foundation for students lifelong learning of mathematics - in both basic and complex ways. Middle School Courses focus on ensuring students have a strong foundation in algebraic thinking.

    Zoom Link

  • Elective | 12:00 - 12:40

Middle School Courses (Sisters)



  • English | 8:20 - 9:00

    Success in any field hinges upon the quality use of language. Our Middle School Language course prepares students to write efficiently and meticulously, with a focus on perfect expression of thoughts.

    Zoom Link

  • Islamic Studies | 9:00 - 9:40

    Islamic Studies Courses are designed as introductory view into a more methodical approach for studying Islam. In 4 quarters, students learn the True History of the Original Man, The Three Pillars of our Faith, the Islamic way of Life, and NOI History.


  • History | 10:00 - 10:40

    Of all our studies, History is most guaranteed to reward our research. The Middle School History class gives a general survey of US History from the perspective of its Black citizens.

    Zoom Link for MSG

  • Integrated Science | 10:40 - 11:20

    Our Integrated Science Course helps students to understand their relationship to the the physical world. This course integrates a variety of sciences such as physical, earth, and life sciences. 

    Zoom Link

  • Lunch Break | 11:20-12:00

    Lunch Break

  • Algebra | 12:00 - 12:40

    Algebraic thinking is the foundation for students lifelong learning of mathematics - in both basic and complex ways. Middle School Courses focus on ensuring students have a strong foundation in algebraic thinking.

    Zoom Link

  • Elective | 12:40 - 1:20

    The Eat to Live Class is designed to acquaint students with the principles of longevity of healthful living. Every students should understand how to prolong and extend their life.

    Zoom Link