A New way to Educate
The Muhammad School of Islam aims to cultivate our youth to be a bedrock of change in our community, by demonstrating the efficacy of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s “do fo self” philosophy. We cultivate each student - mind, body, and spirit- by bringing them closer to fulfilling their purpose for being, which is to reflect Allah (God). How do we do this? We ensure every student reaches optimum performance through personalized education and an expansive curriculum - all brought together through our Key Learner Outcomes Framework.
We do not believe that children must wait 15, 20, or more years before they can begin to fulfill the divine purpose that Allah (God) has given them. Instead, every child deserve the opportunity to have their divine potential examined and unearthed as part of their education. In fact, education is derived from the late educere meaning “to bring out.” Our Educational Approach aims to make manifest the divine potential of each child - not to merely fill them with information.
For the 2020-2021 School Year, our school theme is “Under a Tree,” following the directive from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that you can teach a child “under a tree,” as long as you teach subjects pertaining to the Universe. As the world turns toward incessant digital and artificial engagements, our children would benefit from returning the original source - the marvelous Universe that Allah (God) created. In fact, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad offered that it would be better to teach children under a tree, than to send our children to America’s failing public schools. We are taking him at his word, and our children will be learning the invaluable lessons of life, from life itself.
We are excited for you to join us. Together, we can make a new world by nurturing a new Man and Woman into existence through proper education - Mind, Body, and Spirit.
P.S. You can see our five key learner frameworks below:
Every Student Develops a Knowledge of Self
Each student will be a seeker of knowledge
Students will understand and implement High Moral Standards as evidenced by
Every student will have a deep and meaningful connection to the teachings of Islam
Every student is encouraged to have a business spirit and mind - focused on cooperative economics or group work