“We must trim the fat off of our education and go directly to the meat of education, thereby enabling us to cover a greater amount of learning in a shorter period of time.”

Lower Elementary Course Schedule

Zoom Link (To be used for the Full Day)

Islamic Studies: 8:30 - 9:00

The Elementary school day begins as the Muslim life begins - focused on Allah (God). Each day begins with the study of Islam


9:00 - 9:40

Elementary mathematics lays the foundational skills for students lifelong use of mathematics - in both basic and complex ways.

English/Language Arts

10:00 - 10:40

Reading & Writing are fundamental skills that form the bedrock of language arts courses. Together, they set students on course for a life full of learning.

Integrated Science


Elementary Science aims to familiarize students with applied science through the process of experimentation. The course works to connect scientific materials with one’s self and Creator.





Of all our studies, history is most guaranteed to reward our research. The Lower Elementary History class takes a year-long view at geography and geo-history through the Actual Facts Lessons.


Eat to Live

12:00 - 12:40


The required Eat to Live class is designed to immerse students in the applied science of proper dietary practices. Every students should understand how to prolong and extend their life.



School Supplies


To Write

#2 Pencils

Extra Large Pencils

Specialty Handwriting Paper (Brown Paper)

To Create




To Read

Access to Print

One Sounds Chart for independent practice

To calculate
