Report Cards: Frequently Asked Questions

1) Why did I receive two report cards?

All parents received two report cards. The first report includes a basic, traditional letter grade. This may be the easiest for simplified viewing. The second report gives a more detailed view of the grade. For example, which grading categories did my child perform excellent or poor in?

2) How are grades calculated?

Grades at the Muhammad University are calculated on a single scale school-wide. Each students grade is calculated using the following formula:

      • 30% Projects

      • 30% Test

      • 30% Homework

      • 10% Classwork & Participation

Every assignment contributes toward an average in one of the above categories. This means low-performance in any single category can have a significant impact on a students final grade.

3) How do I see my child’s performance by category?

You can view performance by category via your quickschools account. Simple click the RED button, “View Student Profile” after logging in. 

4) What does it mean if my child received a non-passing Grade? (D or F)

Quarter Grade are mid-way checkpoints to help families understand a students current trajectory. Grades may provide a variety of insights to parents such as work ethic, comprehension, and more.

It is important to note that grades we report (e.g. on transcripts, to colleges, etc) are the SEMESTER grades. Semester grades are the cumulative of two quarter grades.

Although we are hesitant to give non-passing grades, we do give them. Typically, a non-passing grade indicates a severe breach in multiple performance areas over the course of the entire grading period.

5) What should I do if my child received a non-passing Grade? (D or F)

If you child received a non-passing grade, it typically means that there was at least one major category (Homework, Projects, Test)  where they performed poorly. Best practices are:

  • Identify the area that the student is underperforming 

  • If they missed a project, be sure to avoid missed projects and test next quarter. 

6) My child completed some or all of the Director’s Extra Credit. How was their extra credit applied?

Based on the assignments fully completed, extra credit is distributed starting with the lowest grade first. To learn more about the Director’s Extra Credit opportunities, click here.

7) Is it too late to complete make-up work? 

After March 7, yes. 

8)How do I contact my child’s teacher?

Currently, the easiest way to contact an instructor is via Quickschools. 


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