Dress Code Enforcement

“A sanctuary for the proper cultivation of our minds is facilitated by having a dress code.”

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Starting THIS Month, Students will be DISMISSED from class for Uniform Violations. 

We will conduct occasional INSPECTIONS to ensure all students are compliant.

Brothers Dress Code Reminders 

  1. Students must wear a white button down dress shirt with tie daily.

  2. MUI Sweatsuits are NOT proper daily uniform. (They are for our day camps and other activities)

  3. Brothers Hair MUST be cut, neat, and groomed. NO Twist, Dreads, or other long hair. A hair covering is not sufficient.

    1. “I am against men wearing long hair like women…If we desire to look distinct from other people, let us have something that the world will admire and not something which was the tradition of our people before these modern times. - Honorable Elijah Muhammad, July 4, 1969

  4. DO NOT wear SHORTS or PAJAMAS as pants. We see them eventually.

  5. DO NOT wear TANK-TOPS 

Sisters Dress Code Reminders

  1. Sisters should wear the required MUI garment, daily. Sisters can wear a white blouse with blue pants until their garment is received. If you have not, please make sure you have ordered your child's garment.

  2. DO NOT wear SHORTS or PAJAMAS as pants. We see them eventually.

  3. MUI Sweatsuits do NOT meet the daily dress code requirements (They are for our day camps and other activities)

  4. Sisters hair MUST be covered, at ALL ages. Proper hair covering includes: Blue or Black draped scarves, headpieces with appropriate garments, or tams.


Parents must be mindful of their attire. Parents should be properly clothed (No robes, tank tops, shirtless attire, or otherwise revealing attire).

We understand that we are all working and learning from home. However, it is important that we strive to attain the standard of Muhammad University.


MUI West Announcements: 10.18.21


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