MUI West Announcements: 10.18.21

As-Salaam Alaikum,

We have some great news for you...

Everyday, the Muhammad University strives to improve and provide better service to our wonderful parents, students, and staff. In the early 30's the University adopted the motto, Let No One Excel you in Anything

Similarly, our late Minister Emeritus, Abdul Wazir Muhammad wrote, “The Honorable Elijah Muhamad envisioned a sign, in lights, of a young boy, papers in his arms, making a faster pace. That was the theme the Hon. Elijah Muhammad espoused, making a faster pace.

We hope the following announcements might help us achieve that goal - Making a Faster Pace.

Thursday Talks restart October 28th at 9AM with Dr. Wesley Muhammad. Student Attendees will be granted Extra Credit!

After-school Programming Launches the 1st week of November. Our first suite of After-school offerings start with Chess Class, Digital Design (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and more), and Tutoring. Plus, sliding scale pricing. Sign up here
Annual Calendar: You can view our full year calendar and add dates to your phone!

  • Android or Computer, Click Here

  • iCal (for iPhone or table), Click Here

Save-the-Date: Day Camp #2 is December 6-17

High School Parents are encouraged to schedule a planning conversation with admin staff. Do so here

Remind App: Parents have been invited to the REMIND App. Please accept the invitation whenever possible - it will allow more seamless communication between teachers and parents. Can’t find the email? Use Remind and enter our school code “@2cca6fh” . Strive to join by Nov 1st.

Dr. Wesley Thursday talk.jpg

From the Messenger: Adult Content & Our Children


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