MUI West Sweatsuit Drive!

As Salaam Alaikum MUI West Parents!

May this message reach you in good health and spirits, enjoying Allah’s many blessings. We are excited to launch our Super Sweatsuit Fundraiser to raise funds that will support 2022 School Initiative!

We need your help! Each student is being asked to sell 5 sweatsuits so that we can reach our goal, and continue offering this magnificent, high quality Islamic education to our dynamic students! Please begin making a list of family and friends who you can contact to  ask them to purchase one of our latest fashionable, yet comfy black and gold sweatsuits!

And that’s not all! Each student who sells a sweatsuit during the month of January, will receive $10 per sweatsuit. In other words, the more sweat suits they sell, the more money they personally make! During the month of February, they will still be rewarded for their sales with $5 going into their pocket and $5 going towards their Saviours' Day Gift! (still $10, but a partial charity split)

All orders will go through our MUI West website. Customers will have the opportunity to indicate what student encouraged them to purchase a sweatsuit! We’ve also provided a few sample text messages that you may use with your family and friends.

So don’t delay! Let’s begin today to get the word out! Be creative and use your social media channels to showcase these awesome sweatsuits to get orders and win prizes. We will reward the top 3 student salespersons for their efforts with grand prizes!

May Allah bless us with success,

Sister Jennifer Muhammad & Sister Marquita Muhammad 

(Parent Committee Members)

Brother Salih Muhammad 



Sample Text Messages

Peace, family and friends.

My student/child __________ is excited to invite you to be a part of our school fundraiser. We are launching our first independent education fundraiser and we need your support! Please click the link below and support by purchasing an authentic MUI West sweatsuit. 

Greetings family and friends.

My child ________ needs your help to become the top salesperson for his/her first independent education fundraiser. Please click the link below and support by ordering a MUI West sweatsuit.  

Greetings family and friends.

Are you looking for a comfy, sporty and warm sweatsuit for the winter? My child/student_________ has the perfect one for you! Click the link below and support MUI West independent education fundraiser. 


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